Magento Web Design Middleton | Wholesaler Web Development Case Study

Web Design for Food Wholesale Retailer in Middleton

Helping a well established business to transition from traditional retail to online ecommerce was a great experience for us. With a huge warehouse and inventory already in place, Chi Yip Group had the resources to hit the ground running with the launch of their new online brand, Hello Oriental.

Project Requirements.

E-commerce Magento Web Dev Solution Project for Food Wholesaler & Retailer in Middleton.

Chi Yip Group came to us to take their existing consumer offering and put it onto an online ecommerce store so that they can reach a wider audience and make their impressive Asian food inventory nationwide.

Hello Oriental needed special delivery rules creating for their Chilled and Frozen foods, as these needed to be delivered in refrigerated vans to ensure their freshness, which incurred additional charges for their customers.

Due to the demographic of Hello Oriental’s customer base, it was important that WeChat Pay was available as a payment method.



For this project, Magento 2 was the obvious platform choice due to the large inventory and stock management needed, as well as the need for it to be able to handle large amounts of traffic and orders.

We designed a website navigation that categorised their wide range of products in an effective way and used icons to bring life to it.

We integrated payments through Adyen which allowed Hello Oriental customers to pay using Credit/Debit Card, Apple Pay, Google Pay and also WeChat Pay.

As Hello Oriental stock a lot of fresh and frozen meat products in their Middleton location, different delivery methods needed to be set up specifically for these products as they needed to be transported in next-day refrigerated vans.

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