CRO Agency - Conversion Rate Optimisation - Manchester

Our Approach

Our CRO team has perfected a step by step solution to increasing website performance and conversion rates. The solution has been tried and tested across multiple websites and for a wide range of sectors.


We analyse the current performance of a website to understand the funnels and potential causes of poor performance.


Based on the data and analysis, our team focuses on the areas which aren’t performing as we would expect. We rethink and redesign these areas to improve results.

A/B Test.

Our developers use our custom built split testing methods to compare alternative versions of a web page in a randomised experiment that serves different designs to different visitors of the website. This allows our conversion rate specialists to compare the versions and identify a winning formula.


We analyse all of our ideas and new features using data. This ensures we are making objective decisions based on what actually works to improve website performance rather than going off personal preference.

Data-driven Decisions.

Before we implement changes to a website, we create a detailed report of historical performance to ensure we have a clear understanding of which areas are working well and where improvements could be made. We analyse the “key” areas of an E-commerce website, such as the category pages, product pages, cart and checkout. Based on the data that we extract from Google Analytics, we then start to build up an overall view of the website’s performance.

Once we have a clear picture of where things stand, we start to focus on the areas that require the most improvement and also the areas that will result in a solid increase in conversion rates to ensure a good ROI for the client. All our changes are then data-driven and educated decisions based on the data that we have available. This ensures we aren’t making “blind” decisions and the changes that we are making are positively affecting the website performance.

After various changes, testing and reporting, the end result is a website which has much improved conversion rates resulting in higher revenue.


What is split testing?

If you are not running tests on your landing pages, you are wasting money every single day.

Our team of conversion rate optimisation specialists has built a custom technique for A/B testing headlines, images, colours, layouts, calls to action and form elements to generate reliable, practical and actionable data.

As an example, we may believe the website checkout page needs improving based on our data analysis. We would then re-design the checkout which we name “version B”. Once we develop version B, we then put this live for website users to see but we also keep “version A” live, which is the existing checkout. 50% of users will see “version A” and 50% of users will see “version B”.

Depending on the test, we keep the split test live for X amount of time and then we can directly compare the performance of “version A” and “version B”.

This allows our team to have a full understanding of the new version to ensure that it has improved the performance of the area that we are testing. We have tried and tested the above on various websites and the technique proves to be a great tool to increase conversion rates and website performance.

Custom built reports and analysis

All of our reports are custom built by our in-house data analysis team. We use all of the data available to us to produce reports on the new designs and features that we implement. We fully explain these to each client to ensure the client is fully aware of website performance month on month and to allow the client to really see the impact that our conversion rate optimisation service is having.

Our custom reports ensure that our team has an in-depth understanding of each website rather than using tools that auto-generate reports.

What would a better conversion rate mean for you?

Imagine you spend £500 on Google Ads, and you get 250 clicks and 20 leads. Your landing page conversion rate would be 8%.

Let’s say you close 50% of your leads for an average profit of £80 per customer. So you got 10 clients and made £800 in profit.

You now run some A/B tests and make various changes that eventually lead to an improvement in conversion rate from 8% to 12%. For the same £500 ad spend you’d now generate 30 leads from the 250 clicks of which you’d close 15 instead of 10.

With the better landing page, you’d earn £1,200 instead of £800. That’s a 50% increase in profit from a 4% increase in conversion rate.

Methods we use in our conversion rate optimisation service

  • Data analysis
  • Core web vitals analysis
  • Heuristic analysis
  • User research
  • Competitor analysis
  • Value proposition analysis
  • Usability testing

CRO works every time

You’ve done the hard work to get a visitor to your website, now don’t let them go so easily. Dozens of factors influence a user’s decision to stay and engage with a page or leave in search of something else. Each one can be tested and optimised.

While your marketing strategies attract and engage new customers, Visionsharp’s CRO services will help you make the most of those website visitors.

No matter how appealing your products and services are, poor landing page design will result in poor conversion rates and lower revenue.

A/B testing will find a winning formula every time. Through incremental changes based on the outcomes of regular tests you can impact the bottom line exponentially.