SEO Services & Search-Friendly Website Development, Manchester
Get in touch with our Manchester SEO specialists for a free site audit.

Search Friendly Website Development

If a website is going to have any chance of performing well in the search engines, it needs to have a solid technical foundation.

Here at Visionsharp we know that your website is a tool for driving revenue, and that an important channel of revenue is organic traffic.

Some of the technical elements of a website’s construction that play a part in search engine rankings include:

  • Crawlability
  • Usability
  • Readability
  • Accessibility
  • Findability

These 5 major principles of search friendly website design relate to the following specific areas of a website:

  • Site structure, URL structure, XML sitemap
  • SSL and HTTPS, Canonical URLs, Redirects
  • 404 errors, Broken links, Navigation
  • Breadcrumbs, Internal links, Page load speed
  • Visual design and layout, Mobile performance, Schema markup
  • External JavaScript and CSS, Meta titles and descriptions

Google rewards efficient websites, with good rankings.  The long term success of a website is therefore rooted in the way it is constructed.

If you are planning a new website and you want to discuss the project scope in terms of search engine optimisation, please get in touch today.